Sentence Examples. When the effort to restrain feeling is exhibited in a degree which surprises as well as pleases, it excites admiration as a virtue or excellence; such excellences Adam Smith quaintly calls the " awful and respectable," contrasting them with the " amiable virtues " which consist in the opposite effort to sympathize, when exhibited in a remarkable degree. These tendencies had been fostered by his tutor Zhukovsky, the amiable humanitarian poet, who had made the Russian public acquainted with the literature of the German romantic school, and they remained with him all through life, though they did not prevent him from being severe in his official position when he believed severity to be necessary. But she is perfectly amiable, and often condescends to drive by my humble abode. Sadly however, our experience is cut short by a curfew, tho the band is quite amiable about it. In later life he was conspicuously temperate and amiable. To all his three wives, in spite of numerous infidelities, he seems to have been warmly attached; and this is perhaps the best trait in a character otherwise more remarkable for arrogance and heat than for any amiable qualities. , If you want to be a clown, then you really need to have an amiable personality. John George was an amiable but weak prince, totally unfitted to direct the fortunes of a nation in time of danger. however, regarded that office as of material importance, and it was entrusted by Lord Aberdeen to an amiable and conscientious nobleman, the duke of Newcastle. In 1783 he formed a connexion with Elizabeth Bridget Cane, commonly known as Mrs Armstead or Armistead, an amiable and well-mannered woman to whom he was passionately attached. Here he wrote La Nouvelle Heloise; here he indulged in the passion which that novel partly represents, his love for Madame d'Huodetot, sister-in-law of Madame d'Epinay, a lady young and amiable, but plain, who had a husband and a lover (St Lambert), and whom Rousseau's devotion seems to have partly pleased and partly annoyed. From the stores of valuable materials contained in those ten volumes, it will be enough here to cite (1) the Ricordi politici, already noticed, consisting of about 400 aphorisms on political and social topics; (2) the observations on Machiavelli's Discorsi, which bring into remarkable relief the views of Italy's two great theorists on statecraft in the 16th century, and show that Guicciardini regarded Machiavelli somewhat as an amiable visionary or political enthusiast; (3) the Storia Fiorentina, an early work of the author, distinguished by its animation of style, brilliancy of portraiture, and liberality of judgment; and (4) the Dialogo del reggimento di Firenze, also in all probability an early work, in which the various forms of government suited to an Italian commonwealth are discussed with infinite subtlety, contrasted, and illustrated from the vicissitudes of Florence up to the year 1 494. It is described as having been thoroughly healthy at the date of its arrival, and of an amiable and tractable disposition. She has amiable nature. He was so very polite, amiable, good-natured, and genuinely grateful to Pierre for saving his life that Pierre had not the heart to refuse, and sat down with him in the parlor--the first room they entered. It is the crowning merit of the ever amiable and courteous tsar Alexius that he discovered so many great men (like Nikon, Orduin, Matvyeev, the best of Peter's precursors) and suitably employed them. A most amiable and easily grown plant, it produces seeds freely and may be quickly had in quantity. That he learnt anything, and that he grew up an amiable and magnanimous man, were solely due to his natural worth, for no one ever owed less to education or to family example. being nice; displaying a friendly and pleasant manner Examples of Amiable in a sentence Because she was nice to all her fellow students, my cousin Sally was voted the most amiable female at her school. The new emperor F erdi- was personally amiable, but so enfeebled by epilepsy n and 1. Our amiable friend B. must try to get me at least a battle-axe or a turtle for it! Looking for sentences and phrases with the word amiable? Maine Coons make good pets for single people or families as they are amiable, playful and independent. , Since I was feeling amiable towards my coworkers, I purchased donuts for everyone in my office. Season 1 Monk An amiable series that doesn't really do anything spectacular but makes for some pleasant sunday evening watching. After his cousin Gustavus Adolphus, whom in many respects he strikingly resembled, he was indubitably the most amiable and brilliant of all the princes of the House of Vasa. , Although the flight attendant on my trip was not very amiable, I was able to overlook her cold personality after consuming two small bottles of wine. "On the 15th all was settled; and the queen wrote to her uncle," I love him more than I can say. In disposition they are amiable and courteous, but arrogant, lively, inquisitive and inclined to steal - their attacks in earlier days on Europeans, when not caused by misunderstandings, being due probably to their coveting property which to them was of immense value. When the second act was over Countess Bezukhova rose, turned to the Rostovs' box--her whole bosom completely exposed--beckoned the old count with a gloved finger, and paying no attention to those who had entered her box began talking to him with an amiable smile. (32) He was amiable, grizzle-haired and portly, with a wide smile. Malthus was one of the most amiable, candid and cultured of men. Almost his first act on ascending the throne was publicly to insult his consort, the amiable Charlotte Amelia of Hesse-Cassel, by introducing into court, as his officially recognized mistress, Amelia Moth, a girl of sixteen, the daughter of his former tutor, whom he made countess of Samsd. Here are some examples. Season 1 Monk An amiable series that does n't really do anything spectacular but makes for some pleasant sunday evening watching. For a contemplative and amiable man, Finlay accreted a notable list of run-ins with the authorities and his friends. , Despite Amanda’s warm and amiable personality, she still had very few friends. In 1604 his friend Michel de la Rochemaillet prefixed to an edition of the Sagesse a Life, which depicts Charron as a most amiable man of purest character. Social life, as usual with Dickens, is just a bewildering assortment of eccentrics, grotesques, When he was running for the job, they described him as an, This is a horribly patronising movie that makes Dublin in 1967 look like a theme-park of, Out of it, Alex should retain his very affable and, For a band who have consistently cultivated an aura of mystique, the, Dale agreed, finding it difficult not to warm to the, Of course he would dispute that, though in the most, The watchword here was informality, with the pair linking skits and sketches in an, The old man's overcoat stirs in the dark, as though about to cup a hand once more to an unhearing ear, to wink an, There is not a proposition or an insight I can bother to disagree with in these acres of, Although many said the regular routine of their lives was perfectly, Anger and resentment had elbowed aside his normally, Lorenzo Amoruso of Rangers seems to be an, No other individual currently on our screens and in our tabloids can solicit such violent hatred from my otherwise, He determines to ensnare an old schoolfellow, Heartfree, an innocent and gullible jeweller, who lives happily with his wife and children and his, Not terrible, not brilliant, not good, but, Cornell, a lean, beaky charmer of a boss, would have made an, He looked forward to a gentle decline into an eccentric and, Emma, a clever, pretty, and self-satisfied young woman, is the daughter, and mistress of the house, of Mr Woodhouse, an, Junkies, hookers, drag queens, derelicts, ganefs and hit men rub up against Joe and Darlene, a couple too, This brave and exciting cityscape gives way to more prosaic buildings on College and Queens Street, while further uptown is the, Just beyond them is the sports bar, a sunken two-story recreation and dining area that generates a genuinely, A knock at the door interrupted him, and his face resumed its, Citing injuries and a dip in form with key players, he is, As an intern at The Nation in 1989, he was an, According to owner Argiros, the answer is, Poppy had lost weight quickly, was dehydrated and LAST week, I told you about Poppy, an, He is incalculable when he's drunk. He had a quick eye for character, was genuinely amiable, uncontentious, tactful, masterful; and it may be assumed from his success that he was wary or shrewd to a degree. The chief authority for the bishop's life is William de Chambre (printed in Wharton's Anglia Sacra, 1691, and in Historiae Dunelmensis scriptores tres, Surtees Soc. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. He was essentially an amiable man, who hated the zeal for an impossible orthodoxy that constrained "the church to institute a search after crimes which have not betrayed an existence, yea, and to drag into open contentions those who are meditating no evil.". He assailed Lord North with unmeasured invective, directed not only at his policy but at his personal character, though he well knew that the prime minister was an amiable though pliable man, who remained in office against his own wish, in deference to the king who appealed to his loyalty. As, in Fenelon's own opinion, the great merit of Homer was his "amiable simplicity," so the great merit of Telemaque is the art that gives to each adventure its hidden moral, to each scene some sly reflection on Versailles. A more amiable and a more harmless man never lived; and this was much in that age of discordant passions and lawless licence. On his accession to the throne in 1840 much was expected of a prince so variously gifted and of so amiable a temper, and his first acts did not belie popular hopes. Despite his life going downhill, he was still described by people who knew him as a gentle, placid, easy-going, The no-more-bowing decision was credited to His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, an, She was a very good looking woman, with an, Of all Europe's princes today, Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre must be one of the most, If he is allowed to continue, others with less, Most of the time, however, the two rivals were, The film thrives on the chemistry between its two likeable leads, while the rest of the cast is funny and, He was blonde haired, blue eyed, and perhaps one of the most, Jane Galt is a charming hostess, and her salon is a vastly more, Michel Bouquet delivers a revelatory, award-worthy performance as the. The personal character of Malherbe was far from amiable, but he exercised, or at least indicated the exercise of, a great and enduring effect upon French literature, though by no means a wholly beneficial one. You are very happy to have a little wife who is so amiable and so joyful. He was a no less remarkable person than his father and much more amiable. (13) So amiable was the mood of the meeting that a decision was soon reached. The taste of beauty, and the relish of what is decent, just and amiable, perfects the character of the gentleman and the philosopher. Every thing genial and amiable in my nature was repressed and nothing brought out but what was unprofitable and ungracious. 1839), who describes him as an amiable and excellent man, charitable in his diocese, and the liberal patron of many learned men, among these being Thomas Bradwardine, afterwards archbishop of Canterbury, Richard Fitzralph, afterwards archbishop of Armagh, the enemy of the mendicant orders, Walter Burley, who translated Aristotle, John Mauduit the astronomer, Robert Holkot and Richard de Kilvington. No one would ever be good enough for Sarah in Jackson's eyes, however, as far as boyfriends went, this guy seemed pretty amiable. There is never any seen idle; the head of the house governs it not by a lofty carriage and oft rebukes, but by gentleness and amiable manners. 7. They do not represent the opinions of Of amiable disposition, he hastened to make peace with Henry VI. His expression was nothing if not amiable, yet there was a twinkle in his eyes that belied the surface calm. I never met with a disposition more truly amiable. Decius was an excellent soldier, a man of amiable disposition, and a capable administrator, worthy of being classed with the best Romans of the ancient type.

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