They watch the show again later and then play hide and seek, however, they cheat. He then tells the viewers to imagine what it would be like if the Tibble Twins had superpowers... Art… D.W. and Emily want the Tibbles to stop pretending for a minute so they can talk sense to them, but the Tibbles refuse to give it a rest, even for a second, and start chasing them around the yard. She brings them into the house and attempts to get the 3 to be quiet by putting on a Mary Moo … Ms. Morgan sees this and tells Tommy and Timmy to take a time out. The Tibbles think they can fix it since they apparently know how to fix a VCR. The Tibbles ramble on about those things being real.

Mrs. Read tells them it is not for them and they try to make up excuses.

The Tibbles' costumes occasionally switch in the scene where they hurt D.W. They walk to the hospital and they are happy to see D.W. and that she's still alive, they hug her feeling bad and sorry for what they did, they had no right to hurt her that way which leads them to a huge mistake. They flick through the channels. They are acting obnoxious so D.W. goes and yells for Ms. Morgan, who gives them a time-out. The Terrific Turbo Trooper Toy-T Bot Team! The next day, D.W. walks into the preschool with Emily.

They hug her and say they're really sorry for what happened. We'll fix it. The Tibbles can't pull their own heads off, but they can shout and jump around. Arthur: Without stopping to take a breath, Timmy Tibble can yell for five minutes. This page was last edited on 10 January 2020, at 23:36. He says that Timmy Tibble is so loud that he can scream for 5 minutes straight, and Tommy Tibble is so loud that he can seem like four kids instead of one. They have awesome capabilities when it comes to annoying people.

Tommy and Timmy, as the T-Bots jump around, acting out the show during playtime. The Tibbles don't want to watch "Pumpkins in Pants"... it's for babies. D.W. calls the Tibbles asking them if they want to ride bikes, but they're too busy watching the show. D.W. just keeps saying no. Arthur explains to the viewers that his homework is harder whenever the Tibbles are playing with D.W. The T-Bots then proceed to take care of the bad guys in a big fight -- stuff gets smashed, the bad guys get picked up and thrown, etc., etc. The Terrific Turbo Trooper Toy T-Bot Team,, Arthur's Almost Live Not Real Music Festival,, The secret signal, though, seems to come from the, One of the shows that the Tibble twins watch is a parody of. Arthur explains to the viewers that his homework is harder whenever the Tibbles are playing with D.W.

Mrs. Tibble calls Timmy and Tommy and then Timmy tells Tommy if she finds us she will punish us, we should have hid against the back wall, Then Mrs. Tibble opens the garage door and then finds them. One of the T-Bots pauses before beating up the bad guys to tell the viewers something important. Arthur is doing his homework, but the Tibble Twins are being loud and obnoxious outside. As KorraIsBack comments that was from “The Barber of Seville”. D.W. calls the Tibbles asking them if they want to ride bikes, but they're too busy watching the show. (Lucky for D.W.). So at the Tibbles' house D.W. tries to talk to them, but the Tibbles sees her as an enemy. When they see D.W. and Emily, the Tibbles imagine them to be alien shark-lobster alien bad-guys out of the show. What to do now? D.W. and Emily quickly go inside, but the Tibbles follow. The girls have to clamber around the toys and the swing set in the garden to get away from the mad Tibbles who want to dispense justice. After sneaking a peek at a new superhero TV show, the Tibble twins decide they have superpowers and get out of control. D.W. goes into the kitchen to get her mother to fix it for them. He says that Timmy Tibble is so loud that he can scream for 5 minutes straight, and Tommy Tibble is so loud that he can seem like four kids instead of one. Timmy: I knew we should have hid against the back wall. Mrs. Read tells them it is not for them and they try to make up excuses. The 2nd swing disappears when they the first hits D.W. but it reappears in the next shot. Given the fact that there are now worse things on TV than Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, this is an episode which is going to become "dated" pretty soon... the message still rings true though, I guess. They're still deep into pretending to be the T-Bots. The 2nd swing disappears when they the first hits D.W. but it reappears in the next shot.

While watching it, D.W. and Mrs. Read come in. Arthur suggests they put on a video. D.W. says no again, and keeps walking.

He pulls the swing back and lets it swing forward. So they pick up the remote and turn on a different channel. However, the TV starts to work again, but a show is on that the two claim is for babies. Arthur characters can get hurt; Arthur already hurt himself in #21402 - "Arthur's Knee", and D.W. gets punched again by her brother #40102 - "Arthur's Big Hit". The Tibbles are relieved that D.W. hasn't died. They act out a scene from the show. However, in the living room, the Tibbles are over playing with D.W.. The Richard Scarry parody the Twins reject while channel-surfing hits close to home. D.W. goes into the kitchen to get her mother to fix it for them. And the Tibbles, realizing they've gone too far, run away to hide in the garage. The Tibbles get up and D.W., thinking of the well-being of the VCR, says they'll just watch something on TV instead. While we see the feet images, the viewer is subjected to feet-related music: Your heels would roll around inside your shoes / As she does this, she makes a "T" with her hands. Outside the class was practicing the alphabet and the Tibbles accuse Emily of singing the alphabet wrong. Given the fact that there are now worse things on TV than Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, this is an episode which is going to become "dated" pretty soon... the message still rings true though, I guess. They don't know what will happen to D.W.. Could she die from being hit in the mouth?

Timmy (as it dawns on him...): Yeah. The next day, the Tibbles come dressed as robots again., Arthur's Almost Live Not Real Music Festival,, The secret signal, though, seems to come from the, One of the shows that the Tibble twins watch is a parody of, Another Richard Scarry reference can be found when one of the T-Bots breaks into the gangster whales' hideout in the episode the Tibble twins are watching, the "Ay yi yi!" As they leave, the Tibbles suggest watching something else, like sports, but D.W. refuses all of their suggestions, and the episode ends. * * * Attack of the Turbo Tibbles * * * Fairly typical afternoon at the Reads. Many of the same names appear in the credits of both shows, and the distinctive title cards, with the shows' characters engaging in little bits of 'business'. Mrs. Read says she'll talk to them.

The Tibbles' costumes occasionally switch in the scene where they correct Emily's singing of the alphabet. They act out a scene from the show. It is for little kids.

The Tibbles' costumes occasionally switch in the scene where they hurt D.W. The show has had it's effect on the Tibbles though. Arthur wants to get his homework done early, so he can watch "Secrets of Magic" on TV.

"... Iyieyie! The episode starts off in Arthur's room. D.W. blames Arthur for everything, but Arthur gives D.W. advice: he tells her to just tell them that they are annoying and to stop acting like robots. D.W. isn't pleased. Timmy then decides to stop playing the game, Tommy tells Timmy to put back on his helmet and he's outer space and needs it then tells Tommy he quits and was worried about D.W. then Tommy takes off his helmet after thinking that D.W. could be dying after being hit in the mouth by the swing. However, in the living room, the Tibbles are over playing with D.W.. The twins ask if she meant D.W. was alive, and Mrs. Tibble says she is, and that she has been taken to the emergency room by Jane. Arthur is doing his homework, but the Tibble Twins are being loud and obnoxious outside. The Tibbles don't want to watch this either. Tibbles: She is one of us! The Tibbles chase D.W. and Emily. Emily: Good idea -- Did your Mom tell you that? She turns the show off and puts the show for toddlers back on. It's noisy and violent and the Tibbles love it. The Tibbles are still dressed as the T-Bots, and are still pretending to be them. In the living room, D.W. and the Tibbles are watching the video and it unexpectedly turns off. In Professional Wrestling the fights are staged. Arthur wants to get his homework done early, so he can watch "Secrets of Magic" on TV. the whales cry out is taken from, This is the first episode where D.W. gets hit; the second time occurred in ", Under the name "Super Action Team," The Terrific Turbo-Trooper Toy T-Bot Team is shown in ".

The swing hits D.W. in the face, and she begins loudly crying as her mouth starts bleeding, though this isn't shown because D.W. had both her hands on her face. During coloring time at preschool, the Tibbles don't want to color - they want to fight crime. Command received! A video's selected and the Tibbles and D.W. sit down to watch it.

When D.W. informs them that she got stitches on the right side of her face, the Tibbles apologize and tell her that they we're just trying to have fun, that nothing like this ever happened in the show. He then tells the viewers to imagine what it would be like if the Tibble Twins had superpowers... Arthur goes downstairs and tries to convince his mother to get the Tibble Twins and D.W. to be quiet. D.W. walks home from the hospital with Mom and Dad as the sun sets. Uh oh. And the Tibbles, realizing they've gone too far, run away to hide in the garage.

Surprisingly, they stop being so loud. While Jane Read was changing the channel on the TV, her ear changes color for a split second. Emily runs to go get Mrs. Tibble and tell her D.W.'s face is bleeding I think it's broken.

A show titled "Terrific Turbo-Trooper Toy T-Bot Team" is on which they suddenly become interested in since it involves a lot of action.

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