Since the erection in 1961 of the Berlin Wall travel between the two halves of Berlin had been severely restricted, but during her discussion Viett received assurances from Colonel Harry Dahl that the East German authorities would not be collaborating with the West German police in her case, and that she could therefore be assured of free access to the German Democratic Republic (East Germany). Elle est ensuite envoyée à Beyrouth puis au Yémen.

She has never sought to distance herself from the "armed actions" of the Red Army Faction (RAF). Versuchen Sie, Ihre Suche mit diesen Tipps zu erweitern: Den Suchbegriff auf Rechtschreib- oder Tippfehler überprüfen. She then quoted a "cover name" and demanded to be put in touch with the East German authorities. En 1987, elle déménage à Magdebourg. En 1946, elle est envoyée dans un foyer pour enfants. Elle participe à un premier vol de banque, afin de financer leurs activités. Then she returned to the west and lived clandestinely in a house run by the RAF in Namur in francophone Belgium. [6][31] A neighbour had recognised her and reported her to the police as one of the terrorist suspects. Von Drenkmann was shot, and a few hours later died in hospital. [23] After agreeing the transfers of the eight from Prague and seeing them safely into East Germany Viett herself headed back to South Yemen to think through her own position.

“All this is a terrible fact.”. The parties reached an "out of court" settlement. They then planned the kidnap of a prominent member of the political establishment as a way to apply pressure for the release of prisoners. She called for the construction of a "revolutionary communist organisation with secret structures". Après la chute du mur de Berlin, elle est arrêtée le 12 juin 1990, à l'entrée de sa maison. Sa vie de bohème ne se radicalise que progressivement, de manifestations en répressions policières et arrestations. [27] There was a 1 cm scar on the right index finger: its position on the finger was described with teutonic precision. Instead the eight were invited to relocate to East Germany where they were issued with new identities and coached till they had mastered their cover stories, before being distributed across the remoter corners of East Germany and permitted to start new lives, albeit under surveillance, and without being able to contact one another. Après quelques semaines, elle revient en Europe. En mars 1950, elle rejoint une famille d'accueil dans un village près de Eckernförde. Elle s'installe à Dresde et devient photographe. Following the dissolution of the “2 June Movement,” she joins the RAF in 1980. The press were in attendance. She later wrote that a defining element in her own politicisation was a trip lasting several months that she took to North Africa. "Wie Inge Viett den Terrorismus der RAF verteidigt "Wieso haben nur wir zu den Waffen gegriffen?

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