[106] The first expedition involved the sacking of Edessa and the massacre of its Muslim inhabitants in retaliation for the Aq Qoyonlu's raids against the Mamluks' Mesopotamian territories. [124] The Shadhiliyyah lacked an institutional structure and was flexible in its religious thought, allowing it to easily adapt to its local environment. [183], Egypt and Syria played a central transit role in international trade in the Middle Ages. [77] Initially, an-Nasir Muhammad left most of his father's mamluks undisturbed, but in 1311 and 1316, he imprisoned and executed most of them, and again redistributed emirates to his own mamluks. Or, c’est bien ce rôle de protection qui est traditionnellement dévolu au chef de l’Oumma, quel qu’il soit, et qui fonde la légitimité du pouvoir politique. In July of that year, a confrontation took place at Ayn Jalut, near Lake Tiberias. [15], The mamluk was an "owned slave", distinguished from the ghulam, or household slave. The Mamluk sultans apparently did not interfere with Jewish settlement in Egypt and Syria after the expulsion from Spain in 1492. [106] Moreover, Barsbay compelled Red Sea traders to offload their goods at the Mamluk-held Hejazi port of Jeddah rather than the Yemeni port of Aden in order to derive the most financial benefit from the Red Sea transit route to Europe. Little, "Communal Strife in Late Mamluk Jerusalem," in: Islamic Law and Society, 6 (1999), 69–96; idem, "Ḥaram Documents Related to the Jews of Late Fourteenth Century Jerusalem," in: Journal of Semitic Studies, 30 (1985), 227–64; idem, "Religion under the Mamluks," in: The Muslim World, 73 (1983), 165–81; D.S. Encyclopaedia Judaica. [106] The second expedition was against the Aq Qoyonlu capital of Amid, which ended with the Aq Qoyonlu recognizing Mamluk suzerainty. For more information contact us at info@libretexts.org or check out our status page at https://status.libretexts.org. The Mamluks (lit. With the end of the crusaders' principalities, the non-Muslims were no longer accused of conspiring with the enemies of the sultan; hence, general persecutions of non-Muslims in Egypt and Syria were to a degree lessened. [173] By 1343, the practice was common and by 1347, the sale of iqta'at became taxed. Later referred to as Mamluks (pl. Sufis believed that traditional, orthodox Islam lacked compassion, and their Sufism helped conversion efforts because of its emphasis on love and making a closer connection to God, as opposed … De 1980 au milieu des années 1990 : une recomposition générale des mouvements révolutionnaires Ottoman sultan Selim I captured Cairo on January 20, the center of power transferred then to Constantinople. Plague and flooding helped weaken the Mamluk regime and Da'ud ultimately capitulated to the sultan in 1831. C’est dans ces conditions que les mamelouks bourjites prennent le pouvoir, en la personne de Barquq qui est proclamé sultan en 1382.

Les historiens musulmans contemporains parlent de périodes « turque »[4] et « circassienne » pour souligner le changement d'origine ethnique de la majorité des mamelouks. [176], Over time, the iqtaʿ system was expanded, and increasingly larger areas of kharaj (taxable lands) were appropriated as iqtaʿ lands in order to meet the fiscal needs of the Mamluk military institution, namely payment of Mamluk officers and their subordinates. [97] The alliance between Yalbugha an-Nasiri and Mintash soon fell apart, however, and factional fighting ensued in Cairo ending with Mintash ousting Yalbugha. [76] The first of an-Nasir Muhammad's son to accede to the sultanate was Abu Bakr, who an-Nasir Muhammad designated as his successor before his death. [25] Opposition among the Salihiyyah to as-Salih rose when the latter ordered the assassination of his brother Abu Bakr al-Adil in 1249, a task that affronted many of the Salihiyyah and by whom was rejected; four of the Salihiyyah ultimately agreed to execute the controversial operation. 26/10/2020 • 7 min, « Tes yeux me font revivre les jours d’antan, Ils m’ont appris à regretter le passé et ses blessures » . There were again riots against Christians in Egypt, in which Jews are not mentioned, except in so far as some Christians borrowed their clothes to escape the wrath of the mob. par Emile Bouvier, The Hague and Boston: M. Nijhoff, 1982.

[78] By 1316, the number of mamluks was reduced to 2,000. [88] Coinciding with Hasan's first term,[89] in 1347–1348, the Bubonic Plague arrived in Egypt and other plagues followed, causing mass death in the country, which in turn led to major social and economic changes in the region. Bien que les mamelouks fussent achetés en tant qu'esclaves, leur statut était bien supérieur à celui des esclaves ordinaires. La seconde lignée mamelouke, qui règne à partir de 1382, est celle des mamelouks bourjites : ceux-là tirent leur nom de la citadelle (bûrj) dans laquelle ils vivent, à l’est du Caire, et ne sont pas turcs, mais circassiens ou géorgiens. La peste précipite le renouvellement des Mamelouks, et provoque un fort déclin économique (baisse du Trésor due à une baisse des revenus fonciers) en sus du drame humain. Baybars meurt en 1277.

[60] In 1275, the Mamluk governor of Qus, with Bedouin allies, launched an expedition against Makuria, defeating king David near Dongola in 1276, and installed Shakanda as king. [70] In a bid to consolidate his control, Lajin attempted to redistribute iqtaʿat to his supporters. [76] Concurrent with an-Nasir Muhammad's reign was the disintegration of the Ilkhanate into several smaller dynastic states and the consequent Mamluk effort to establish diplomatic and commercial relationships with the new political entities. Ils y reçoivent une éducation intellectuelle, comportant une initiation aux sciences de la religion, et une éducation militaire très complète avec un entraînement quotidien. . . However, this figure was known for his attacks on Christians too. Under Sultan al-Malik al-Muʾayyad Shaykh (1412–19), the authorities harassed the Jews and Christians in Egypt for drinking wine. The rumor, accentuated by the execution of civilian notables who evacuated Damietta, provoked a mutiny by the garrison of his camp in al-Mansurah, which included numerous Salihi mamluks. The impression gained is that the acts and activities against the Jews were often side effects of steps taken against their Christian "colleagues." Until the end of the reign of the Baḥrī Mamluks, the post was held by the descendants of *Maimonides. slaves) were a military class that ruled Egypt from 1250 to 1517 and Syria (including Palestine) from 1260 to 1516. In the second half of the 14th century restrictive laws and various vexations followed. In public baths they had to distinguish themselves by wearing little bells around the neck, and women had to wear one black and one white shoe. In 1463 Sultan Khushqadam (1461–67) solemnly reinforced all the restrictive laws imposed on non-Muslims, with the exception of those which forbade them to be physicians and money changers. [61] In 1277, Baybars launched an expedition against the Ilkhanids, routing them in Elbistan in Anatolia, before ultimately withdrawing to avoid overstretching their forces and risk being cut off from Syria by a second, large incoming Ilkhanid army. [126] Jews generally fared better than Christians, and the latter experienced more difficulty under Mamluk rule than under previous Muslim powers. [171] The iqtaʿ of the Muslims differed from the European concept of fiefs in that iqtaʿ represented a right to collect revenue from a fixed territory and was accorded to an officer (emir) as income and as a financial source to provision his soldiers. [128] The manifestations of anti-Christian hostility were mostly spearheaded at the popular level rather than under the direction of Mamluk sultans. [80] Moreover, an-Nasir Muhammad's being the son of a mamluk instead of a mamluk himself risked undermining his position among the largely mamluk elite. La première lignée mamelouke est celle des mamelouks bahrites : ils tirent leur nom du lieu où ils sont éduqués, c’est-à-dire l’île de Rûdha, sur le Nil – bahrite signifie « qui vient de la mer, du fleuve ». The impression gained is that the acts and activities against the Jews were often side effects of steps taken against their Christian "colleagues." One act directed only against Jews was in Damascus in 1271. [105], Before Shaykh died in 1421, he sought to offset the power of the Circassian mamluks by importing Turkish mamluks and installing a Turk as atabeg al-asakir in 1420 to serve as regent for his infant son Ahmad. The frustration of the population increased and the sultans were thus often inclined to enforce the restrictive laws on the dhimmīs or extort heavy contributions from them. Il place immédiatement des émirs de sa maison et de sa famille aux postes clés. . The negidim, who had deputies in Jerusalem and Damascus, represented the Jews, Karaites , and Samaritans to the government. Four Centuries of Modern Iraq. [18] Mamluks had formed a part of the state or military apparatus in Syria and Egypt since at least the 9th century, rising to become governing dynasties of Egypt and the Levant during the Tulunid and Ikhshidid periods. In 1263, Baybars deposed al-Mughith of al-Karak based on allegations of collaborating with the Mongol Ilkhanate of Persia, and thus consolidated his authority over Muslim Syria. [112] According to Petry, "the Mamluks regarded Turkish as their caste's vehicle of communication, even though they themselves spoke Central Asian dialects such as Qipjak, or Circassian, a Caucasic language. Amid conditions that stemmed the flow of mamluks from the Mongol-held lands to the sultanate, an-Nasir Muhammad resolved to make up for the loss of the purged mamluks by adopting new methods of training and military and financial advancement that introduced a great level of permissiveness.

Abu Hassan Ali ibn Ridwān al-Misri (988-1061/ou 1069) était de (...), Treize vers de poésie derrière la rédaction des Badāʼiʽ al-zuhūr fī waqāʼiʽ al-duhūr d’Ibn Iyās, Avant de débuter leur récit, les historiens mamelouks commençaient traditionnellement par présenter, au début de l’ouvrage, ce qu’ils appelaient les « huit points » (al-ruʼūs al-ṯamāniya (1)), à savoir : l’objectif de leur ouvrage, son titre, son intérêt, sa catégorie scientifique, sa véracité, le domaine (...), Une lecture dans la méthode et le contenu des Badāʼiʽ al-zuhūr fī waqāʼiʽ al-duhūr d’Ibn Iyās (du début de l’année 923 hégire à la fin de l’année 928 hégire), Cet article sera consacré à l’étude de six années de la chronique des Badāʼiʽ al-zuhūr fī waqāʼiʽ al-duhūr d’Ibn Iyās (1).

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