#22|. New King James Version, [there is] more hope 8615 of a fool 3684 than of him. (the deceitful…: or, the usurer)

29:24 Whoso is partner 2505 8802 with a thief 1590 hateth 8130 8802 his own soul 5315: he heareth 8085 8799 cursing 423, and bewrayeth 5046 8686 [it] not. Share this page using one of these tools: Email / username or password was incorrect! set on high) 29:23 A man's 120 pride 1346 shall bring him low 8213 8686: but honour 3519 shall uphold 8551 8799 the humble 8217 in spirit 7307. 24Whoso is partner with a thief hateth his own soul: he heareth cursing, and bewrayeth [it] not. google_ad_width = 728; (perish: or, is made naked) 29:17 Correct 3256 8761 thy son 1121, and he shall give thee rest 5117 8686; yea, he shall give 5414 8799 delight 4574 unto thy soul 5315. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - KJV INDEX & SEARCH /* 728x90, created 11/5/11 */ To some of both sorts he gives his grace.

//-->, 29:20 Seest 2372 8804 thou a man 376 [that is] hasty 213 8801 in his words 1697? 29:26 Many 7227 seek 1245 8764 the ruler's 4910 8802 favour 6440; but [every] man's 376 judgment 4941 [cometh] from the LORD 3068. 1He, that being often reproved hardeneth [his] neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy. (words: or, matters?) 29:5 A man 1397 that flattereth 2505 8688 his neighbour 7453 spreadeth 6566 8802 a net 7568 for his feet 6471. google_ad_slot = "6216408568"; google_ad_slot = "6216408568"; 29:23 A man's 120 pride 1346 shall bring him low 8213 8686: but honour 3519 shall uphold 8551 8799 the humble 8217 in spirit 7307. 29:23 A man's 120 pride 1346 shall bring him low 8213 8686: but honour 3519 shall uphold 8551 8799 the humble 8217 in spirit 7307. Pauline Epistles 29:18 Where [there is] no vision 2377, the people 5971 perish 6544 8735: but he that keepeth 8104 8802 the law 8451, happy 835 [is] he.

(the ruler's…: Heb. (R), 13 The poor and the oppressor have this in common:    The Lord gives sight to the eyes of both. 29:15 The rod 7626 and reproof 8433 give 5414 8799 wisdom 2451: but a child 5288 left 7971 8794 [to himself] bringeth his mother 517 to shame 954 8688. 29:27 An unjust 5766 man 376 [is] an abomination 8441 to the just 6662: and [he that is] upright 3477 in the way 1870 [is] abomination 8441 to the wicked 7563. 21 He that delicately bringeth up his servant from a child shall have him become his son at the length. 7 The righteous care about justice for the poor,(L)    but the wicked have no such concern. 29:27 An unjust 5766 man 376 [is] an abomination 8441 to the just 6662: and [he that is] upright 3477 in the way 1870 [is] abomination 8441 to the wicked 7563. (words: or, matters?) 29:27 An unjust 5766 man 376 [is] an abomination 8441 to the just 6662: and [he that is] upright 3477 in the way 1870 [is] abomination 8441 to the wicked 7563. 16 When the wicked are multiplied, transgression increaseth: but the righteous shall see their fall. 29:22 An angry 639 man 376 stirreth up 1624 8762 strife 4066, and a furious 2534 man 1167 aboundeth in 7227 transgression 6588. [there is] more hope 8615 of a fool 3684 than of him. 29:15 The rod 7626 and reproof 8433 give 5414 8799 wisdom 2451: but a child 5288 left 7971 8794 [to himself] bringeth his mother 517 to shame 954 8688. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - KJV INDEX & SEARCH (the ruler's…: Heb. 3 Whoso loveth wisdom rejoiceth his father: but he that keepeth company with harlots spendeth his substance. --------------------

25 The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe. 29:24 Whoso is partner 2505 8802 with a thief 1590 hateth 8130 8802 his own soul 5315: he heareth 8085 8799 cursing 423, and bewrayeth 5046 8686 [it] not. Webster's Bible,

26Many seek the ruler's favour; but [every] man's judgment [cometh] from the LORD.