Taylor Barracks is a former military installation in the Vogelstang suburb of Mannheim, Germany, operated and administrated by the United States Army, Europe, USAREUR. Tom I was also in the 552 ( 1961-1962 ). (Fun fact: When I told my dad, a musician basically all of his life, that I had a look at the Taylor Barracks he told me that he played there on the opening night of a military club.

I was with the 552nd Float Bridge Co.

HHD Signal Group 22 Stratcom. This competition-winning proposal aims to reclaim pedestrian access through the site and over a busy motorway by introducing a green corridor. Thanks again. Glad to see that some portion will still remain. Hi Arlie, the Fisk who was with us was Denny A Fisk from Rochester NY. I was in Taylor Barack from August 1985 to April 1987 . Tom Vincent Sgt. Many great memories.

My lower leg was broken and my ankle was annihilated. Hey Don, I was with the 552 Float Bridge Co. our Barracks was the one next to the field looking at the EM club.

I was stationed at Taylor Barracks in the mid-80s and this is like seeing my old home again. I was assigned to Border Operations Detachment, 42d MP Group (Customs) which was headquartered here from April ’76 to March ’79 with further duty at Field Office Schinnen, Limburg Province, The Netherlands. We also bridged the Rhine River.

I also was station at Taylor from 1972-75. And so the exploration I hoped for turned into nothing more than just quite a long walk…, Addendum 2013-09-09: It turns out that the good people at the BImA are great sports – instead of going after me for taking photos they link to Abandoned Kansai on their official page about the Taylor Barracks!

I was stationed here 1953-1954……Emaculete barracks……built to last a lifetime.

I had a great time there. Beck’s, I believe. This bridge will promote new walking and cycling paths into the city. 1st Sgt Turley, a member of Company C, 761st Tank Bn, was killed in action near Metz, France, on 9 Nov 1944. Once on B-38, stay in right lane and take the exit for Sullivan/Taylor Barracks. We started out as 42 MP Group, but reflagged as 14th MP Brigade after a few months. I actually enjoyed my time in Germany, my wife was with me and we traveled as leave time permitted. Good luck, I hope the people you are looking for will make contact!

I figured I might as well since the taxpayers were paying for me to be there. I hope you are and have been virus free. I was stationed at Funari Barracks and shortly after moved to Taylor Barracks. SAD.

I loved it. I was there from 90 to 93. Cleared by the US Army on August 30th 2011 the Taylor Barracks are now under the administration of the BImA (Bundesanstalt für Immobilienaufgaben / Institute for Federal Real Estate), which…

Taylor Barracks is a former military installation in the Vogelstang suburb of Mannheim, Germany, operated and administrated by the United States Army, Europe, USAREUR. It makes me feel good that something positive and nice is being done with the property. In spent the most of my time there working at Spinnelli barricks working on Reforged vehicles. Maybe one day this one will be used by people to reconnect, too…. Taylor Barracks Redevelopment Plan Back to Projects A parcel of land previously occupied as a military base, the old Taylor Barracks is now slated to become a hub for local engineering industries in addition to hosting other important cultural, ecologic, and pedestrian functions for the city of Mannheim. ( Log Out / 

Source(s): https://shorte.im/baxzl.

Lived off post in an apartment in Viernheim, landloard was a butcher named Mr Winkler. its me again not to great with a type writer or computer

Taylor was my old home away from home from ’95-’97 at the 272d MP Co, interrupted by a trip to the Former Yugoslavia. The guard post at the entrance is especially emotional for me as two of my closest friends when in German worked there – Peter and Dieter, two German-service guards who taught me German. Taylor Barracks Mannheim Germany. The Taylor Barracks, named after Private 1st Class Cecil V. Taylor who died in the last days of World War II and who posthumously received a Silver Star for courage in the face of the enemy, were built in 1939/40 by Nazi Germany’s Wehrmacht as Scheinwerfer-Kaserne (Searchlight Barracks) – most likely because it was home to the Flakscheinwerfer-Abteilung 299 (299th Anti-aircraft Searchlight Detachment) to defend Mannheim from bombings. Traveled allot. Lots of more office spaces are yet to come – we are the first tenants and most of the surroundings are still just a big construction site… This ist what they want it to look like in the future: https://www.das-e.com/green-business-park-mannheim/, Greetings from Mannheim especially to those who have been stationed here . 77HEMC detachment B. Tom ;I was there 1963 to 1966

there was a Clarence VanBrune, from North Dakota.

They are turning it into office spaces and a hotel. not sure what happened with first message? Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. I really miss my friends, Bernie, Dave Jones, Tony Graboskie, Gary Bird, Don Henry and all the rest of you. What memories. At the heart of the plan is the green artery that runs the length of the site. Wish I could make contact with those stationed here in1953-1955…..109th Engineering Battalion. The river was running pretty fast on one of our missions and we lost a 27 ft power boat because of the current. Loved the duty here……We bridged the Rhine during my tour and bivouacked during all Army maneuvers in the mountains……Loved being close to Heidelberg……rode the trolley to Heidelberg…..Mannheim was just really starting reconstruction since it was 85% bombed destroyed in WWII….Anyone still out there from 1953-1954?? Great time! Many good, bad, and indifferent hours were spent there. ( Log Out /  I spent a month there in November ‘85 going to an electronics (Trib) school.

From April 1948 on many, many US Army units were stationed at the Taylor Barracks; way too many to name them all. (It worked with other closed military bases that I explored…). Would love to to hear from any of the guys. Lv 4. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. In Dec 2010 USAREUR announced that the installation was handed back to the German government. I used to drive the mail run up to Brussels.

In early 1948 we merged with the 547th and moved into Taylor Barracks and became the7859th Ordnance Co. We had stopped getting replacements for the soldiers that were leaving about six months before I left, since we were a draw down unit, and no longer had a mission.

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