[123], All passengers and crew on board Flight 93 were nominated for the Congressional Gold Medal on September 19, 2001. "[29] Many of the passengers' family members, having heard the audio recordings, believe the passengers breached the cockpit[80] and killed at least one of the hijackers guarding the cockpit door; some interpreted the audio as suggesting that the passengers and hijackers struggled for control of the yoke. She saw it briefly, then heard the impact. Le NEADS fut également informé peu après. It was actually Lauren Grandcolas that handed Waino her phone. Jarrah fait balancer l'avion afin de perturber les passagers, pendant que Nami essaie de bloquer les passagers avec le chariot de nourriture. Not an option."

A fight?

[29] The voice recorder captured the sound of the passengers using the food cart as a battering ram against the cockpit door. Plz confirm all is normal.

The call lasted 95 seconds, but was not received as it may have been in queue.

[29], The cockpit voice recorder captured the sounds of crashing, screaming, and the shattering of glass and plates. [27] It is unknown why the hijackers on Flight 93 waited 46 minutes to begin their assault. [110] Investigators identified four victims by September 22 and eleven by September 24. A passenger in the background cried, "In the cockpit! [119][120] The voice recorder was found buried 25 feet (8 m) below the crater.

[40][56] Burnett explained that the plane had been hijacked by men claiming to have a bomb. It is about the events aboard United Airlines Flight 93, which was hijacked during the September 11 attacks. [135] Atta cautioned bin al-Shibh that this would be difficult, but agreed to include the White House as a possible target and suggested they keep the Capitol as an alternative in case the White House proved too difficult.

(The question as to whether the 757 would have reached its target had those aboard not taken action on their own remained disturbingly unanswered in the report issued by a federal commission established to investigate the terrorist attack.)" Mayday! [24][25][26] The airplane had a capacity of 182 passengers; the September 11 flight carried 33 passengers, the four terrorists, and seven crew, a load factor of 20 percent, considerably below the 52 percent average Tuesday load factor for Flight 93.

[56] Beamer told the operator the flight had been hijacked and that two people whom he thought were the pilots were on the floor, dead or injured. Après qu'Haznawi revient des toilettes en portant une fausse bombe sur son torse, Ghamdi fait le premier mouvement et prend en otage l'hôtesse de l'air Debbie Welsh. When they all come, we finish it off. Eventually, Atta told bin al-Shibh that Jarrah planned to hit the Capitol. À 10 h 04, le centre du 911 du comté du Westmoreland informe le comté du Somerset qu'ils reçoivent un appel d'un passager (probablement Edward Felt) de l'avion qui vient de s'écraser.

[40] Passenger Lauren Grandcolas called her husband twice, once before takeoff and once during the hijacking. Via a message transmitted to the cockpit, the hijackers learn about the attack on the World Trade Center. Il ordonne alors à tous les avions en vol d'atterrir sur l'aéroport le plus proche. Le NORAD a insisté lors de son audition devant la commission du 11 septembre que ses avions de chasse auraient intercepté le vol 93 avant qu'il ne rejoigne Washington, mais la commission conteste ses dires, affirmant que « le NORAD ne savait même pas que l'avion avait été détourné avant qu'il ne s'écrase » et que si l'avion ne s'était pas écrasé, il serait arrivé à Washington aux alentours de 10 h 23, ce qui aurait laissé au NORAD peu de temps pour intervenir. [75], CeeCee Lyles called her husband once more from a cell phone and told him the passengers were forcing their way into the cockpit.

"[57][58] An unknown flight attendant attempted to contact the United Airlines maintenance facility at 09:32:29. United 93 premiered on April 26, 2006, at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City, a festival founded to celebrate New York City as a major filmmaking center and to contribute towards the long-term recovery of Lower Manhattan. [144][145] The 9/11 Commission Report stated that NEADS fighters pursued Delta Air Lines Flight 1989, a flight thought to be hijacked. Il informa à 10 h 01 le quartier-général de la Federal Aviation Administration de la situation et reçut alors l'ordre de s'éloigner le plus rapidement possible et d'atterrir au plus proche aéroport.[2]. All 44 people on board were killed, including the four hijackers. "[48][54] Air traffic controllers did not hear from the flight again. [135], Immediately after the attacks, there was speculation that Camp David was the intended target.

[146], A temporary memorial formed from spontaneous tributes left by visitors in the days after the attacks at the crash site. United Airlines Flight 93 was a domestic scheduled passenger flight that was hijacked by four al-Qaeda terrorists on board, as part of the September 11 attacks.

[76] Three times in a period of five seconds there were shouts of pain or distress from a hijacker outside the cockpit, suggesting a hijacker who was standing guard outside the cockpit was being attacked by the passengers. Not yet. According to the commission, the hijackers could have learned of the successful attacks on the World Trade Center from messages being sent by United Airlines to the cockpits of its transcontinental flights, including Flight 93, warning of cockpit intrusion and telling of the New York attacks. United Airlines Flight 93 was a domestic scheduled passenger flight that was hijacked by four al-Qaeda terrorists on board, as part of the September 11 attacks. [134] Before the attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Osama bin Laden, and Mohammed Atef developed a list of potential targets. [29] His checked bag underwent extra screening for explosives, with no extra scrutiny required by CAPPS at the passenger-security checkpoint. [85] The National Transportation Safety Board reported that the flight impacted at 563 mph (906 km/h, 252 m/s, or 489 knots) at a forty-degree nose-down inverted attitude. [56] Beamer told the operator the flight had been hijacked and that two people whom he thought were the pilots were on the floor, dead or injured. [56], Mark Bingham called his mother at 09:37:03 from row 25. [32] He boarded at 07:48 and sat in seat 1B.

[126] The obverse of the Medal is inscribed with "A common field one day, a field of honor forever" and "Act of Congress 2011".

The memorial area with a white marble Wall of Names was dedicated on September 10, 2011, the day before the 10th anniversary of the crash. A fight? [62][63][64], During the hijacking, Flight 93 passed within 1,000 feet (300 m) (instead of the normal 2,000 feet (610 m)) of a NASA KC-135 returning from a microgravity flight over Lake Ontario. A minute later, the transponder was turned off, but the Cleveland controller continued to monitor the flight on primary radar.

À 9 h 30, depuis la rangée 24, Tom Burnett prévint son épouse du détournement de l'avion par des hommes prétendant avoir une bombe.

He began asking her for information about the attacks, interrupting her from time to time to tell the others nearby what she was saying. ... Oh my God. [51] The woman in the cockpit is heard to say, "I don't want to die, I don't want to die" before being killed or otherwise silenced, followed by one of the hijackers saying in Arabic, "Everything is fine. I love you. [9] In Hamburg, Jarrah became a devout Muslim and associated with the radical Hamburg cell. À 10 h 04 min 48 s, Steven O’Brien, pilote d'un avion cargo C-130 Hercules non-armé de la Garde nationale aérienne, qui recherchait le vol 93, confirma au contrôle aérien de Washington qu'il voyait de la fumée au-dessus de Shanksville. I will always believe that I and many others in our nation's capital were able to go home that day and hug our families because of the courage and sacrifice of the heroes of Flight 93."[161].

She then passed her phone to Honor Elizabeth Wainio. The film chronicles the events aboard United Airlines Flight 93,[3] which was hijacked during the September 11 attacks of 2001. Cheikh Mohammed voulait détruire le World Trade Center. [98][99] In September 2011, shortly before the 10th anniversary of the attacks, a video of the rising smoke cloud filmed by Dave Berkebile (who had died by 2011) from his yard ​2 1⁄2 miles away from the crash site was published on YouTube.

Flames and then smoke and then a massive, massive mushroom cloud. [27] NEADS called the Washington Air Route Traffic Control Center for an update on Flight 93 and received notification that the flight had crashed. Linda Gronlund appela sa sœur Elsa Strong à 9h46 et lui laissa un message, lui disant qu'il y avait « des hommes avec une bombe ». The pilots intended to ram it since they did not have time to arm the jets; this was in the days before armed jets stood ready to take off at a moment's notice to protect the capital's airspace.

Give it to me! A minute later, the transponder was turned off, but the Cleveland controller continued to monitor the flight on primary radar. Jason », « Mayday ! The second Flight 93 hijacker, Ahmed al-Haznawi, arrived in Miami on June 8 with Flight 11 hijacker Wail al-Shehri.

"[62][63][64] Dahl seemingly continued to moan and fight Jarrah over the controls, repeatedly disengaging the autopilot,[65] as at 09:40, there were horn sounds that indicating the hijackers were repeatedly having trouble with the autopilot and were fiddling with a green knob. Le trafic aérien suivait son cours, il n'était pas encore question d'état d'alerte. Death certificates for the 40 victims listed the cause of death as homicide and listed the cause of death for the four hijackers as suicide. [27][29] The aircraft was scheduled to depart at 08:00 and pushed back from gate A17 at 08:01. Je vais très bien. [108] Miller later found and identified 1,500 pieces of human remains totaling about 600 pounds (272 kg), or eight percent of the total.

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