Hebner counts them down as HHH gets up at around five while Michaels is up at eight. Nunzio is still on the floor, not going in the ring yet. Jericho comes back with a bulldog off the middle rope. Orton gets decked by Henry. Crowd is dead. Foley and Orton head to the back. #25 is Chris Jericho. Springboard crossbody to the floor!

January 17, 2015 at 12:00 AM. Orton goes to throw out Henry in the corner.

– I really didn’t like Ernest Miller, but Tazz singing his song was a fantastic moment.

– Opening match, RAW tag titles: Batista & Ric Flair v. The 17th Royal Rumble is the one WWE doesn’t want you to remember. He slams Nunzio down.

Nunzio is on the floor, saying he doesn’t want to win. The ending is perfect, as it works with both Benoit's character (vicious submission-style wrestler with a mean streak) and Big Show's character (clumsy big man with his own history of blowing big matches). Best Match: Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels (****1/4 out of five), Worst Match: Ric Flair & Batista vs. He started the match, he carried the match and he won it with heart at the end.

Show is going for a Jackhammer on Show. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and HBK is up by nine with one knee. #27 is Billy Gunn with no reaction. Sidekick misses Orton, crotching Benjamin on the top. It took place on January 25, 2004, at the Wachovia Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and featured talent from the Raw and SmackDown! Hurricane comes in with cross body blocks on just about everybody. Jericho & Christian give a double suplex to Haas. Cena sees Nunzio on the ground. No sign of Undertaker. Ring Crew Reviews: WWE Royal Rumble 2004 • DVD Packaging: This is the Royal Rumble Anthology edition so it comes in different packages with 5 discs in … Goldberg gets a spear on Big Show.

Orton fights out with kicks and forearms. Analysis: **1/4 Pretty good match for the time given.

It led to Holly missing a year of action due to major neck surgery. Awesome brawl with them. Why? Holly is first out. Rhyno is out.

Dropkick to the right knee of Triple H. Referee starts up a count that gets to three. Side effect on Rhyno.

Doesn’t matter though. Tables Match for the World Tag Team Championship Batista & Ric Flair vs. Benoit chops on Henry, but he shrugs him off.

That doesn’t make a lot of sense because if you don’t trust a guy to give you a Powerbomb you’re going to get hurt like Holly was. Test is shown backstage laying on his back. There’s lots of time left to make this a classic. On the mat, Lesnar grapevines the waist with his legs and wraps his arms around Holly’s neck. I really didn’t like Ernest Miller, but Tazz singing his song was a fantastic moment.

Rookie mistake, the announcers say. Angle can’t throw out Christian. Michaels is up again, this time at seven. Jericho and Christian toss Benoit, but he hangs on. Nunzio tries to throw out Show, but he eats a chop to the back instead. Benoit’s trying to toss Orton out. I missed a large portion of this match with posting troubles. Superkick is missed as Hunter ducks and punches him in the nuts! Steiner suplexes Rhyno. Benoit stomps on Henry in the corner.

Benoit and Orton are on a roll. Rhyno and Orton double Benoit, but he holds on. Big Show is getting doubled by Gunn and Nunzio. Show fights all of them off. Foley with the Cactus clothesline sending Orton and himself out. Chavo gets to the ropes. What I’m going to do is present the Rumble match to you as I’ve done for the past 16 Rumbles. Another gut wrench (reverse bear hug) on the ground. RKO by Orton is reversed to a chokeslam by Orton. It’s arguably the most infamous name in the history of the company due to the double murder suicide that occurred in the summer of 2007. Hunter knocks him down with some punches as Hebner counts again. They exchange blows for about a minute straight. Dupree does his dance. A video package aired to set up Eddie Guerrero vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr., who was Eddie’s nephew. Eddie grabs an armbar on the mat. I marked out huge when Lesnar attacked Goldberg with the F5, though. Should be interesting with them. Morgan chops down Benoit. Show is standing up in the ankle lock. No sign of Undertaker. Orton gets the RKO on Angle. It would have been nice to see that, but Benoit using all of his strength to get rid of Show was a fantastic visual too. Show picks him up in the press slam position. He slams Michaels head first into the steps. Hunter is up at about four. This match is starting at 9:02pm ET. Not much going on. Slam to Cena is prevented by Angle with a chop block. Since the murder, though, that changed.

Final four are Benoit, Angle, Jericho and Big Show. Some pretty good matches. Rhyno with a shoulder tackle to Hardy in the corner. Six in the ring now. #13 sounds and it’s the Undertaker’s music. Foley gives him the Socko Mandible Claw for some reason. Awesome brawl with them. Eddie drives him into the corner. #20 is Rico. User Ratings Triple H retains the title because it was a draw. Chokeslam on Morgan. It was a two-match show. He clotheslines them all down. Steiner just got eliminated although we never saw it. Everybody’s paired off. The intervals are back to 90 seconds. Cena sees Nunzio on the ground.

Benoit tosses Hardy, but he hangs on. Cena gets the FU on Kurt Angle. Shoulderblock by A-Train on Benoit. Benoit just stares. All five of them can’t even lift him. He slams Nunzio down. We never see who it is. That was nasty, man. We had heard rumblings of a feud starting between them and they touched on it a bit before the match too. He’s busted open now. Randy Orton – Looked good for the majority of it and the brawl with Foley was well done too.

Angle can’t throw out Christian. Chavo slaps him hard in the face. They pair off with Benoit and Tajiri and Orton and Henry. In the middle, Benoit hits three German suplexes on Angle. They had an incredible World Title match on Raw in December 2003 that was one of my favorite matches that year.

The brand extension started in the spring of 2002, so it was almost two years into the brand extension. The Foley angle was really hot and would lead to a fantastic feud that went into WrestleMania and Backlash. Clothesline on the ramp.

#23 is Nunzio.

Benoit is opening up on Angle. Benoit stomps him down in the corner. Chris Benoit. Ranking the Rumble’s in terms of star ratings: The 2005 Royal Rumble featured two guys that would be future main eventers in the final two, a torn quad and the setup of a dream match. After the match, Eddie teased leaving. Clothesline on the ramp. Nobody cares. Show gets ropes. Analysis: *1/2 Boring match with a decent finish.

JR and Tazz are awesome together as a team. Side belly-to-belly suplex to Benoit. (It was just done to create a rivalry between Raw and Smackdown while using Austin to pop the crowd after the previous match ended in a draw.). The reason Chavo bladed is because they had Eddie bleed in the build up to the mach. Orton is hanging on the ropes. Nunzio is still on the floor. All five of them can’t even lift him. Michaels kips up. Angle is trying to toss Benoit on the other side.

Press slam on Nunzio by Goldberg, so he’s out.

Awesome elimination there. HHH buries a knee to the ribs. Frog splash hits for the three count at 8:03.

Austin gets some beer and he gives Heyman a beer. Fameasser on Big Show. The crowd is into it. He punches Chavo Jr. in the face repeatedly. #12 is Kane. Orton beats him up down the aisle, slamming the back of Foley’s head on the steel.

Welcome to another AEW Dynamite review here on TJRWrestling. Impressive. Batista & D-Von go to the outside. He gets a headbutt on Show while he’s leaning over. It was close, but he hangs on. First time ever for that. Whip into the ropes by Hunter leading to a spinning spinebuster. Chavo Jr. throws Eddie head first into the announce table. The announcers for the Royal Rumble are Jim Ross and Tazz, sitting at ringside. Car Crash! That’s up to you to decide on your own. Austin shows up, yelling at somebody that they are the 21st entrant now. Eddie flips out on the second one. Clothesline for Holly doesn’t knock Lesnar down. They’re both up by eight. Spinkick for Jericho. I just think that match had a faster pace and had a more exciting story.

Rookie mistake, the announcers say. The crowd was quiet during all that. Shaved on the side with a little on top. Spike Dudley should be in too, but he’s not even on the ramp anymore. JR and Tazz are awesome together as a team. He does get an Angle Slam, however. Hunter takes the cover off the Spanish Announce table. The crowd booed at the decision. The Cat’s butler introduces #18 Ernest Miller. Spinebuster on D-Von through the table. – The Lesnar/Goldberg thing was a huge deal. He literally dragged him out. He’s beating him up out there. Fameasser on Jericho. Goldberg gets a spear on Big Show.

He uses his momentum to flip Angle out over the top. This time Eddie wins it and gets a huge chop to him.

Backstage, Josh Matthews interviews Chris Benoit. Hunter’s on the floor while HBK is slowly crawling to his feet. Show is up with a chokeslam, but Angle rolls through into the ankle lock.

In the #6 spot is Rhyno. Little did we know that two months later they’d have the match at WrestleMania that would be the last time either guy wrestled in WWE? He eats an Angle Slam. She said she thought it was Mysterio. Holly returned to get revenge on Lesnar and was given a WWE Title shot even though he was never at that level his entire career. Rhyno charges at Benoit, who sends Rhyno out over the top with a backdrop. Chavo comes out with his father, Chavo Sr., for support. Best Elimination: Benoit eliminating Show at the end is one of the best finishes to a Rumble ever. Big hiptoss on Christian. Replay showed that Tajiri used his mist. Jericho turns on Christian, but Jericho holds on. There’s six left.

Hard lockup. Benoit’s working over Christian in the corner. Thumb to the eye for Eddie. The final two are Big Show and Chris Benoit. Jericho with a Lionsault on Show. He backdrops Christian out to the floor, eliminating him. The crowd was dead for everything Holly did. Hunter turns back to face him and Michaels hits the sweet chin music! Crowd is still quiet. Replay shows that it was Booker.

Welcome to the WWE NXT review here on TJRWrestling.

Analysis: 1/2* That was weak. Not much of a match. Benoit fights out of it, grabbing him in a headlock. Chops on Christian, then one for Benoit. Terri interviews Goldberg. Let’s get to it. Benoit’s been in for almost 40 minutes now.

#5 is Bradshaw. Bradshaw ties to toss him out, but Benoit holds on and Bradshaw falls out. “Are we seeing a miracle here?” asks JR. They note that it would be illegal in a regular match, but it’s legal here. Michaels gets a figure four leglock. Holly fights out with back elbows. Then again, I understand needed a lot of time for the other matches and the Rumble match. I have reviewed several PPVs from the end of 2003 to continue to series from Rajah.com. Goldberg says “You’re next you son of a bitch.” Angle comes up from behind Goldberg, tossing him out. Benoit eliminates Matt Morgan as they are brawling in the corner. Austin shows up, yelling at somebody that they are the 21st entrant now. Fameasser on Jericho. Benoit tosses Lamont the butler.

He wasn’t even in the previous year’s Rumble, but by this point they had started to really push him.

Doesn’t matter. Side belly-to-belly suplex to Benoit. Another headbutt. Orton gets kicked all over by him. In the middle, Benoit hits three German suplexes on Angle. It told the story well of Benoit overcoming the odds to get the victory in the end. The first WWE pay-per-view in 2004 was the Royal Rumble, which was a show that featured both Raw and Smackdown matches. Batista comes in to take out Bubba with a tough clothesline.

My Ratings: 1. The final three are all Smackdown people, Tazz notes. In the #6 spot is Rhyno. Batista says the Dudleys are losers just like the Philadelphia Eagles. Welcome to the WWE Raw Deal review on TJRWrestling. Shawn stumbles to the top rope for the patented top rope elbow. Michaels whips him into the ropes and grabs a sleeper. While Benoit and Orton are still down, The Cat dances.

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