It’s interesting to note when the Sabbath was first observed. Famine conditions and the need for clothing were not unusual in areas of the Middle East, as Luke reminds us in Acts 11:28-30. “And he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks.” Acts 18:4, “For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day.” Matthew 12:8, If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. Did He say He was Lord over Sunday—that Sunday was the Lord’s day? Paul finally spoke to the Jews in Rome, “persuading them concerning Jesus, both out of the law of Moses, and out of the prophets, from morning till evening.” Acts 28:23. So how did God respond to them? Jews will go to Synagogue or Temple Friday evening. met to break bread, Paul began to speak to the people, and because he intended Pentecost falls on the 50th day after Passover each year, but the fact is that Passover falls on a different day every year and hence so does Pentecost. The following two verses demonstrate this well. What in this way have they not done against all those who have protested against their innovations, and refused to submit to their idolatrous worship? John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible (1690-1771) commenting on Matthew 28:1 on the phrase first day of the week says: “towards the first day of the week, or “sabbaths”; so the Jews used to call the days of the week, the first day of the sabbath, the second day of the sabbath, &c. take an instance or two (z).” There would not be many people today who would understand the meaning of the phrase first of the Sabbath or second of the Sabbath etc, and so it is typically translated as first day of the week. Compare Col 2:16, and Gal 4:10. The Sabbath See Hebrews 10:26-29. The righteous are justified through faith, not of works lest any

Galatians 3:15 and Hebrews 9:16-17. Daniel 7:25 foretold, “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws.” Quoting Daniel 7:25, Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible says: “He shall speak great words against the Most High] Literally, Sermones quasi Deus loquetur; “He shall speak as if he were God.” So Jerome quotes from Symmachus. and circumcision on the eighth day . So Constantine developed a plan to unite both groups on the common platform of Sunday keeping. In fact, the

No! John the Baptist announced Jesus by saying “Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.”, “The Rise of Christianity” (pp. We are commanded to keep the seventh; but we are no where commanded to keep the first day…. Packer or Harry Ironside? Noah also, uncircumcised—yes, and unobservant of the The reason why we keep the first day of the week holy instead of the seventh is for the same reason that we observe many other things, not because the Bible, but because the Church, has enjoined it (Plain Sermons, by Contributors to the Tracts for the Times, vol. Paul met with Gentiles not on Sunday, but on the day first-century Christians observed: the seventh-day Sabbath. The following page covers the full story in brief and how in fact that not only were there many stages and people involved in the change but Satan was ultimately behind the whole thing. "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork."

When Mary Magdalene came to Jesus’ tomb on Sunday morning, she found it already empty. Dear readers, we are living in the time of the end prophesied in your Bible. A second difference of opinion is now cited. What did these different denominations find that made them switch back to Saturday being the Seventh day? He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.” 1 John 2:3-6. It is a matter of Biblical and secular history that God never changed His holy Sabbath or transferred its solemnity to Sunday. Besides the witness of history, the names of the days, and the fact that Jesus said that not even a jot or a tittle was going to pass from the law, do we really think we have to make assumptions to decide if one of the Ten Commandments of God has changed? The boys looked at each other, and then down at their feet, and then back at me. Muslims worship on Friday. Worship on the Sunday was a very big change compared to worshiping on the Sabbath. But when was the seventh-day Sabbath established? The Sabbath law is a good law. Another historian also confirmed this by stating, “The people of Constantinople, and almost everywhere, assemble together on the Sabbath, as well as on the first day of the week, which custom is never observed at Rome or at Alexandria.” Sozomen, Ecclesiastical History, Book 7, ch.

But when Roman Emperor Constantine, a pagan sun-worshipper, enforced his own version of Christianity in his empire, he mandated Sunday worship. vi, par. So much for a Sunday meeting anyway! In the study of the many languages of mankind you will find two important facts: Can we hold a Church meeting on any day of the week? to leave the next day, he extended his message until midnight. who contends that the Sabbath is still to be observed as a balm of salvation, Whose Day of Worship is Sunday? Do you see that the elements are not idle, and keep no Sabbaths? Yet, today, most of the Christian professing world keeps Sunday, the first day of the week, calling it the Sabbath. But because it was surrounded by paganism inside the world's mightiest capital, this Church soon experienced a “falling away” (see 2 Thessalonians 2:3) from the purity of the gospel and meta morphed into the wealthy and powerful Roman Catholic Church. Christ made His answer to this question very clear. (Colossians 1:18). Further, “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word [the Bible], it is because there is no light in them” (Isaiah 8:20). In Matthew 24:1-2, Jesus predicted that every stone of the Jewish Temple would be “thrown down.” This occurred when the temple was destroyed by the Romans during “The First Jewish War” in 70 A.D.

Yes, Jesus and the apostles kept the seventh-day Sabbath holy, and God expects us to follow their example. But not so! death of a Sabbath keeper. James 2:10-12 says, “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. The fourth-century AD Catholic Council of Laodicea affirmed Sunday worship and declared Christian Sabbath-keepers heretics. The Bible prophesied many centuries earlier that the time would come when men would think to change times and laws (Daniel 7:25). At the time of Moses on Mt.

What Gibbons and other Catholic authorities state is that the authority of the Catholic church, not the New Testament Scriptures, changed observance in the Christian world from Saturday to Sunday—an event that did not occur until the Council of Laodicea, in the middle of the fourth century. Did this ever happen? When Jesus appeared to these disciples on the first day of the week, He was not barging into a worship service! Acts 2:46 KJV “And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,” All nations will observe the true weekly Sabbath and the biblical Holy Days! “And hallow my sabbaths; and they shall be a sign between me and you, that ye may know that I am the Lord your God.” Ezekiel 20:20. I said, “Now you must answer two more questions for me. “Question - Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday? So, who changed the Sabbath to Sunday? The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we never sanctify.” That’s a quote from Gibbons’ The Faith of Our Fathers, first published in 1876 (p. 97, 1917). That’s a warning I hope all of us will heed. “I have repeatedly offered $1,000 to anyone who can prove to me from the Bible alone that I am bound to keep Sunday holy. “Prove to me from the Bible alone that I am bound to keep Sunday holy. him sacrifices, uncircumcised and unobservant of the Sabbath, was by him [God] It is a law of the holy Catholic Church alone.

Only when love is motivating the obedience does it become acceptable to God. The last thing we need is people assisting Satan in disobeying God's Ten Commandments.

But this is another wrong assumption.

Just like today, these people chose tradition and their own ideas rather then the Commandment of God. Just like today, these non-Jews thought that God did not mean what He said when He said the Seventh day. Perhaps as a child, you learned the Ten Commandments.

They profess to forgive sins, which belongs only to God. Acts 20:7 is just one example and you can see just how wrong they are. 19. Paul exhorts in the following verse that Circumcision is nothing in comparison to the Ten Commandments. This would have been Paul’s golden opportunity to tell the people to meet with him the next day rather than waiting a whole week for the Sabbath.

The Firstfruits were the very first grain to be harvested. This was a meal for strength and survival.

When and why do you think people began keeping Sunday?” Finally, one of them said, “We keep Sunday in honour of the resurrection of Jesus.” I said, “Then I must ask you my last question.

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