My husband and I have started writing thank you notes for our wedding and we’ve been doing one a night for the past week. I love the idea of handwritten letters and cards.

But I try to personalize them.

But then I remembered I saw Terry Crews on Jimmy Fallon a while back, talking about how gratitude gives him his amazing amount energy. Could be a thank you note, could be your lunch, could be $…… Just has to be meaningful to you. How inspiring and what a powerful reminder of how much goodness there is around us if we only take the (brief) time to see it. They are a hassle and I always tell people not to send me one because I don’t want my gift to be the source of any stress. [citation needed], In a retrospective review of Led Zeppelin II (Deluxe Edition) (2014), Michael Madden of Consequence of Sound praised the remastering of "Thank You", believing the track now sounds "mellow and well-balanced". Really meant something to me.

“When I was writing the notes,” she told me, “I realized that I was doing it instead of scrolling through my dumb feeds — so often I’d finish a commute and be like ‘Well that was a wasted hour on this quiet train ride. Now that is a skill. I love writing them and I love receiving them. Who are you grateful for? And I always include chocolate-moms always appreciate it.

he writes 3 – 5 a week and it’s been a fantastic exercise in recognizing the positives (in a stressful career where everything can often seem overwhelming) and many people have told him what a lovely surprise it was to get the card. Snail mail. After I spoke with Gina, I found myself thanking the check-out woman at Papyrus for being so good at her job (I wasn’t just saying that, she was!)

As someone who sucks at remembering to write thank you notes, this idea makes my heart sing. @ my son’s public Walforf school, the teacher greets each child in the morning with a hand shake & hello before they step through the classroom door. I thanked my husband for embracing the dreaded role of lightbulb changer in our house.

Instead, you should relay your appreciation through description of how the gift (gesture, etc.) The gift of giving is so important, and that was one of the books that really helped me to connect to others when I was in a low place. I work in a call center for a credit union and with as many calls as we get the job can feel very impersonal. But it’s better late than never. Soup time! Sounds like good advice to me as an adult, but as a kid it really helped to have “Thank you…” as a starting place! I am going to do this!!!! I should do it (formally) more often. I think that’s why this “challenge” was so special – Gina wasn’t doing the customary/expected thank you notes but instead thanking folks for things they probably don’t get recognized for. I’ve come to realize that I can take the heart of this message and try to instill it with others. (“Post-kids, your book gave me back my confidence, and laid out a little plan for me in the kitchen… I actually love to cook! Saba, absolutely love “I want to find a way to move forward with tangible acts of love.” We’d love to help support your effort with some of our stationery. It’s been a wonderful voyage of discovery learning how to say thank you in Eritrean and Albanian and Bahasa. (Well, except for Oprah!) Hope you are well. It’s awesome and the kids who take on the optional “call the person and tell them how you feel” during our class period come back with the BEST look on their faces!! she’s inspired me to commit to 1 a week! my friend sari sent us a baby gift when toby was born and wrote on the card: “PLEASE DO NOT WRITE A THANK YOU NOTE, just go and enjoy your baby!” and i thought that was such a gift in itself!!! This is so beautiful! [citation needed] According to various Led Zeppelin biographies,[which?] Jotted-Lines provides unique prompts that give the writer a starting line that they take to the finish with their own words. People were so incredibly kind, that it was overwhelming; I cried a lot. I pull them out from time to time when I am really missing his wisdom and care (he died in 1999, the year I turned 36.)

Guess what? seriously made me tear up. Also, on writing letters- I’m a preschool teacher and I cut watercolor artwork that isn’t taken home into postcards and write my daughter and several friends every week. I never pass up a sale on blank card sets, and Target has inexpensive card sets (~$4 for 12). Just in case anyone needs beautiful stationery to facilitate their note-writing, here is our website: ink is like that but you get the “text” in the mail in a postcard form with whatever picture and message you want.

I don’t do things for people or gives gifts to get thank you notes, I do it for the pleasure of doing it. Once a week, we pull out the journal to record that week’s meals and draw inspiration for the following week.

I’ve always been anti- thank you note because we only ever write them after occasions like weddings and baby showers, where you get lots of gifts and have so many to write. Instead of giving up chocolate or getting to the gym seven days a week, lawyer John Kralik decided for his 2008 New Year's resolution to simply be more thankful for the good people and things in his life.

I once read that you should never lead with the words “Thank you for…” in your thank you notes.

It’s also a great excuse to visit my favourite stationery store – I think they thought I was crazy with my last haul of cards! I completely agree with you on the chore of certain thank you notes and when I get a note from a kids birthday or a generic wedding thank you Its not all that special but when someone sends me an out-of-the-blue note to let me know that they thought of me and appreciated me or something I have done – I feel so special! Often it’s the parents of the bride or groom, or the bride and groom themselves. oh my gosh I just had this exact discussion with a colleague of mine. Today is National Voter Registration Day! “It’s all hands on deck with a two-year-old and a five-year-old,” she told me. I love that ppl are thinking about letter writing again. Sometimes circumstances make it hard or impossible for you to vote on Election Day. Sign up for membership to become a founding member and help shape HuffPost's next chapter. I send thank you notes for everything I can think of, which has led me to sending cards for lots of other occasions as well. All rights reserved. Sad? after spending six weeks there. I’m sending a thank you note to Sen. Jeff Flake for trying. You too? I am in my ‘food’ month, and I wrote a note to Jenny because her cookbook meant a lot to me in my first year as a mother. It says “Thanks for doing a great job! I thought of it as A Thousand Days of Grace. (Blood everywhere thanks to my glasses slashing my forehead open. She always responds with utter shock that I remember and how it’s meaningful to her b/c I remembered that she’s no longer “one of us” religiously speaking.

I returned from Japan this morning (2:00 a.m.!) Polling hours on Election Day: Varies by state/locality.

It’s so sweet to watch them run to check the mail every day just in case something is there for them.

<3. exactly what the world needs more of.

It was released as a single and reached number eight on Billboard magazine's Album Rock Tracks chart in 1995. A few days later, I wrote him a thank-you note. "Thank You" was one of the biggest sleeper hits of the year, debuting in January and remaining on the chart until the end of September. Gratitude is powerful, and I’m so glad I expressed those sentiments to her before she was gone. Gonna make an effort to do some version on this. Which is excellent, btw!! I once received the warmest, most sincere, slightly over the top but in a good way from an older man when I was working in a restaurant. I’m in the same place, feeling frustrated and wanting to do what I can in my own life to spread kindness and goodness. so nice, Amy. I can see our journey and our evolution into eating more healthy and mindfully-planned meals. She themed each month to make it easier for herself (e.g., neighbors, friends, family, health, food, career mentors, writers), stocked up on some notecards (nothing fancy) and got to work. I’m tearing up over here, because you’re absolutely right. After all, she was just doing her job, and one she’s probably done many times. I was brainstorming cards of thankfulness ideas for November when a long forgotten song by Shannon Wright came up in my itunes shuffle. I thank them for being in my class and include a memory of them and well wishes for their future. I am a big believer in thank you notes, especially for kids. So now I know to keep it short and sweet, no more than about three lines is all it takes to let someone know they made your day, which in turn makes their day… and everyone is a little happier. I wrote 30 thank you notes, and felt great about all of them. Ha. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I used to do this too when I was in the classroom. It was her song “Dragonfly” and one of the main lyrics repeated is “you gave me courage”. I love this so much.

And I don’t really feel all that much when I receive them, either. The song features a Hammond organ, played by John Paul Jones, which fades into a false ending before concluding with a crescendo roughly ten seconds later.

I love the ritual and would love to continue it beyond this context. This is the best.

Thank you notes bring back a flood of memories for me. I still send handwritten notes for some things, but have switched to sending relatives a text/message instead, paired with a picture of my child unwrapping/enjoying the present. There were 31 notes to write (and 31 days in January, which felt fortuitous) and she wrote many of them while commuting to a freelance job in New Jersey. And I have to say, they mean more to me than any love letter he could ever write. Yes!! She wrote friends she hadn’t seen beyond Facebook in years, reminding them of a memory or just saying “I miss you.”  She wrote a note to the doctor who delivered her younger son, Charlie, who’s two now; and to the heart doctor who saved her dad’s life. What a beautiful project to embark on.

This comment is so interesting to me, thanks for sharing your perspective. The practice was and is life changing. How kind of you to think of her and send it.”. I love this! Every morning after meditation I wrote 5 things I’m grateful for. It is your right and your responsibility. Yes! As I was driving to work this morning, listening to a podcast about the news, and despairing at the state of our world, I started hatching a plan for a monthly dinner with friends over soup and thank you note writing. The site now has thousands of members across the world, and Walker has gone on to write a memoir, 29 Gifts: How a Month of Giving Can Change Your Life. Kinda weird, but it worked. ).

I will be so grateful for her kindness for the rest of my life.

Thank you.

found here. I hear ya, sista! or a picture from that fun dinner party.

She isn’t very active on twitter anymore but her feed still has some good notes up: "I called him to get his address," and his son replied, "Gee, I need to stop by and take you to lunch."

xo. for my daughter, saying how she’s easy, helpful to other kids, and just in general how she helps her in And, perhaps as my first thank-you-act, let me thank you for your book “How to Celebrate Everything.” I read it on maternity leave, while nursing my sweet little daughter, and it was so inspiring . Dido wrote the song about the down times of depression and about how she lost her house. Teachers Unite! But people almost never send them for reasons that actually call for a genuine heartfelt thanks—the little things that make life easier and memorable and that keep us going in ways that towels from a registry or another swaddle blanket don’t even come close to reaching. I still have a little tiny note card (business card size) in a tiny little envelope that I received from my first boss at my first job 20 years ago.

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