Television integrated circuits include line, field scanning integrated circuit, intermediate amplifier integrated circuit, audio integrated circuit, color decoding integrated circuit, AV/TV conversion integrated circuit, switching power supply integrated circuit, remote control integrated circuit, NICAM decoding integrated circuit, picture-in-picture processing integrated circuit, CPU, memory integrated circuit and so on. 23. They have been in almost round-the-clock operation for years, carrying out 40 million individual experiments each second. This is because modern computing, communication, manufacturing and transportation systems are all depend on integrated circuits. Some semiconductor manufacturers will classify SOP as SMD at sometimes. With twenty meters (ATLAS) respectively fifteen meters (CMS) height both experiments are located 100 meters below ground. Nickname for ceramic DIP (including glass seals). The ball contact array, one of the surface mount packages. A BGA can provide more interconnection pins than can be put on a dual in-line or flat package. SOJ (Small Out-Line J-Leaded Package). Due to the use of TAB technology, the package is very thin.

The nickname for ceramic QFP. Integrated circuits, also called thin-film integrated circuits, which fabricated on the surface of a semiconductor chip, in addition, another thick-film hybrid integrated circuit is composed of independent semiconductor devices and passive components, which integrated into a substrate or circuit board to form a miniaturized circuit. The pins can exceed 200 and is a proper package for LSI. When measuring DC voltage of IC pins, the multimeter is better more than 20KΩ /V, otherwise, there will be a great error in measuring some pins voltages. Today, while some III-V valence compounds such as gallium arsenide are used for special applications such as LED, lasers, solar cells and the most high-speed integrated circuits, only monocrystalline silicon has become the mainstay of integrated circuits. The nickname of BGA from US Motorola Corporation. Finally, the developer is sprayed on the photoresist on the wafer surface to develop the exposure pattern. They are interconnected in a single small package to perform the desired electronic function. 3. Chip carriers are smaller than dual in-line packages and since they use all four edges of the package it can have a larger pin count. One of the surface-mount packages. QFI is the name specified by the Electronic Industries Association of Japan. Ceramic QFJ, also known as CLCC or JLCC. Capacitor structure: due to size limit, IC can only produce very small capacitance. After the invention and mass production of transistors, various solid semiconductor components, such as diodes and transistors, have been widely used to replace the vacuum tubes in circuits. Before checking and repairing the integrated circuit, we should be familiar with the IC function, the internal circuit, the main electrical parameters, the function of each pin, the normal voltage of  pins, frequency waveform and peripheral components.

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